As ground rent investment experts we have a wide range of experience in acquiring many different types of ground rent portfolios. Below are just a small selection of case studies which demonstrate how we have used our ground rent management skills :
Case study 1: Problem estate with unregistered ground rents
Case study 2: Charity selling unregistered ground rents
Case study 3: Unregistered rent charges – sale of family inheritance
Case study 4: Time pressured acquisition of large block of flats
Case study 5: Trustee in bankruptcy vendor
Case study 6: Administrators selling block of flats with management problems
We are keen to expand our current portfolio of some 55,000 separate ground rent / rent charge interests. If you have ground rents for sale, even if there are complications please contact us to discuss the way forward.
Compton Group
PO Box 425
45-51 Wychtree St